
— Sed 160 to 171 ----------------

ALTER TABLE sed_pages DROP `user_jrnpagescount`     Failure !

ALTER TABLE sed_pages DROP `user_jrnupdated`     Failure !

UPDATE sed_stats SET stat_value='171' WHERE stat_name='version' (1)     Success


After i load my skin i get error :

/ Fatal error: SQL error: Unknown column 'page_text2' in 'field list'  ( i think after changing from html to bbcode in config.php that its working now??)

althou i did utf conversion, all my forum posts do not recognize žćčđš signs.

Big  old photos who were in  

[img]www.bla.com/test.jpg [/img]

on forum dont resize to fit forums.posts width

While browsing trough gallery i saw eror msg :

Warning: imagejpeg(datas/resized/11451-scena.jpg): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\Program Files\XAMPP\htdocs\SEDITIO175TEST\system\functions.php on line 2514

But i have feeling that was from older tweaking of code :(


So far i am very happy how the update went, i see i will have to make a new skin,and i will make a skin/system translation to Croatian soon.

You updated system to 171 versions and stopped? or reached the last stage and updated to 175 versions? 

On the arising errors, don't pay attention! Is it ok!

The column page_text2 (it appeared in Seditio upon transition with 121 to the 125th version), 
it is possible to add a column manually:

ALTER TABLE sed_pages ADD COLUMN page_text2 text AFTER page_text;

With characters shall be everything is all right, check a database, or try to convert manually, 
you watch /docs/upgrade/seditio_convert_to_utf8.optional.sql.

Č č čaj
Ć ć ćup
Dž dž džip
Đ đ đak
Š š šaš
Ž ž žut

Perhaps, problem in upgrade-seditio1xx-to-seditio175.php, in a line №238-239:

$sqlconvert = sed_sql_query("SELECT CONCAT('ALTER TABLE `', t.`TABLE_NAME`, '` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;') as sqlcode
FROM `information_schema`.`TABLES` t WHERE 1 AND t.`TABLE_SCHEMA` = '".$cfg['mysqldb']."' ORDER BY 1");

replace utf8_general_ci on utf8_unicode_ci

in config.php at you has to be

$cfg ['textmode'] = 'bbcode';

The datas/resized/ folder exists?
The file 11451-scena.jpg is present at datas/resized/
or here datas/users/11451-scena.jpg?

Forever unshaven, red-eyed, detached from reality, with his cockroaches in my head. And let it always will be!

I updated to version 1.75

You and your team did a excellent job! Satisfied
I have a huge database, and i had 50+ plugins which arent working so i think i will have to rebuild /edit illusion skin to fit my needs. (it will take a while ) :)

As for characters, i will try it at some point and i will report what happened, if it is no good, nevermind, nothing that cant be done manualy :)

Yes, datas/resized folder doesnt exist anymore, sorry for asking stupid question, i was tired 


And why to you Illusion skin if you have quite good own skin?

Simply compare existence of tags in an old skin and in any of the new skins going in assembly by default. Also add to the css the file styles for modal windows, ratings, etc. see for example simple.css sections: 

/* = Tabs
/* = Pagination
/* = Horizontal Pils (use in forums)
/* = Modal Windows
/* = Comments
/* = Ajax Loading Indicator

In css files of skins by default "everything is classified")

As for old plugins if some don't work, spread them here and we will correct.

Forever unshaven, red-eyed, detached from reality, with his cockroaches in my head. And let it always will be!

#415 Amro :

And why to you Illusion skin if you have quite good own skin?


As for old plugins if some don't work, spread them here and we will correct.

To be honest, old skin has alot of flaws, and i can work slowly on editing new skin :)